Episode 71: Real Talk on Men’s Health Part 2


Episode Summary:

Our latest episode focuses on two critical areas of men’s health as presented during the October 25 live event, ‘Real Talk on Men’s Health.’ These areas are Cardiovascular Disease and Its Management and Understanding and Managing Prostate Enlargement. This episode is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in understanding these key men’s health issues.

This episode not only provides vital information but also serves as a comprehensive guide for men to understand and manage their health effectively. Tune in to stay informed and take proactive steps towards a healthier future.


Heart Health: Keep Your Heart Beating

Dr Eugene Yang, MD, MS, FACC, Clinical Professor Department of Cardiology University of Washington School of Medicine. He is the Carl and Renee Behnke Endowed Professor for Asian Health, the Medical Director of UW Physicians Eastside Specialty Center, and the Co-Director of the UW Medicine Cardiovascular Wellness and Prevention Program.

Benign Prostatic Enlargement:

Dr Will Fuller, MD. Dr Fuller is an Attending Urologist at Virginia Mason Franciscan Health Urology.

During This Episode, We Discuss:

Cardiovascular Disease and Its Management:

* Understanding Primary Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease

*Strategies for Behavioral and Lifestyle Optimization of Risk Factors

*Insights into the 2019 ACC and AHA Prevention Guidelines

*Utilizing the ACC ASCVD Risk Estimator

*Setting and Achieving Cholesterol Goals

*Strategies for Blood Pressure Management

*Lifestyle Recommendations for Heart Health

*The Impact of Sodium on Blood Pressure

*Heart Healthy Diets and their Benefits

*The Role of Exercise in Heart Health

Understanding and Managing Prostate Enlargement:

*A Closer Look at Prostate Anatomy
*Recognizing Symptoms of Prostate Enlargement
*Evaluating Prostate Enlargement
*Treatment Options for Prostate Enlargement


Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Optimize your risk factors to lower the risk of heart disease.

Dr. Yang

Know your numbers: Blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight.

  Dr. Yang

Optimize your diet: Limit processed foods and sodium. Eat a diet enriched with fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.

Dr. Yang

Exercise regularly: >150 minutes per week/moderate intensity.

Dr. Yang

Medication Options for BPH

Minimally Invasive Procedure Options for BPH

Surgical Options for BPH

Dr. Fuller


Recommended Resources:

The American Heart Association 

The American College of Cardiology

Episode 6 The Original Guide to Men’s Health

Episode 8 The Original Guide to Men’s Health

The AUA Guidelines on BPH

Episode Transcript:

Coming soon!

More To Explore

An illustration of two human head profiles, one in red and one in blue, overlaid with contrasting representations of the brain: the red profile has a tangled mess of lines indicating a chaotic or disorganized mental state, while the blue profile has neatly organized brain outlines representing clarity and order. This could symbolize the contrast between mental confusion and mental clarity or the differences in individuals' mental states and thought processes.

Episode 73: Health Behavior – What Is It, What Do We Understand About It, How Do We Change It?

Explore the intricacies of the Health Belief Model in this enlightening episode, where we delve into the factors influencing individual health decisions, the pivotal role of knowledge, and the impact of societal norms on men’s health behaviors.

Join us as we unpack the significance of understanding perceived barriers, the benefits of behavioral change, and the instrumental role health practitioners play in shaping healthier communities. This discussion offers valuable insights into improving health behaviors and the various elements that motivate individuals to embrace healthier lifestyles.

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