Episode 41: Dermatology: Skin Health


Episode Summary:

Skin is a major organ that serves as a barrier between oneself and the world. It’s amazingly good at its job but needs care. In this episode, learn how skin changes with age and the environment, and how to take care of it, from the teens to the aging years. Dermatologist Dr. Kendra Bergstrom covers many conditions, treatments and preventative strategies.   


Kendra G. Bergstrom, M.D. University of Washington Medical Center, Roosevelt Dermatology Clinic, Seattle WA.

During This Episode We Discuss:

  • Many specific conditions and their treatments: Acne, eczema, shingles, hives, sunburn, jock itch, rosacea, psoriasis, alopecia, male pattern baldness and hair loss, skin cancer, moles, warts and more.
  • Prevention strategies: Different kinds of soaps for different situations; use of sunscreen and SPF clothing (clothes and hats have advantage of being chemical free); cover your ears; see a dermatologist by age 60 for a head-to-toe check; limit sun exposure the same way one limits daily wine consumption.

Quotes (Tweetables):

”…I think of sun kind of like that glass of wine with dinner, it’s ok to get a little bit every day but you don’t want to stack up all your glasses of wine on a Saturday…”

Kendra G. Bergstrom M.D.

“Skin cancer is the thing that keeps us dermatologists up at night..”

Kendra G. Bergstrom M.D.

Recommended Resources:

Episode Transcript:

Coming soon!!

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